Saturday 28 June 2008

Anorak Magazine

The newest issue of
Anorak magazine (art directed by the immeasurably awesome Supermundane) is out now and features four pages worth of illustration by myself for a story about the Moon written by Cathy Olmedillas (photos sooon) Its worth a look (not for my illustrations) but for some great travel tips (aimed at 8 year olds) and supercool facts about Tapirs.

In other news Jez now has another blog. Apparently Its Nice That and Evening Tweed dont quench his desire to spout nonsense online so Woods was born. Its actually pretty good and I'm quite jealous at how nice he's made his humble tumblr look. I'm also sad that he got to those Charlie Duck badges before me. Growl.

Finally I really like this image from Dace. I wish I was skilled enough to dress so minimally.


  1. how awesome! i just flicked through the last issue the other day, now i must hunt down the next copy! well done.

    in reply to your reply, thank you. d&ad was a strange few days, it was fun at the beginning but i was glad to leave by the end. i do believe i saw you at our stand, but i lack the guts for speaking to people randomly unless i have a drink or two in me.

  2. oh this is a nice outfit! I've never heard of this brand or site but they have some very lovely clothes!
