Tuesday 22 July 2008

Frames & Floorboards

I am a nosey person especially when it comes to people's homes (flathunting holds secret pleasure for me) so peering through all the photos on The Selby is perfect guilt free nosiness. I love all the nice floorboards in restaurant owners Jean & Sam's home in Brooklyn. I'm a floorboard freak. And apparently unashamed to admit it.

Sycamore Street Press' etsy shop is full of all manner of letterpressed goodness including the above baroque frames (love that red and blue together...you could sell me anything in that red and blue) and the super vague 'great job' card which I want to buy for..uh..everyone.

Oh dear. I have ideas stewing for a winter version of the Village Fete that I did back in March. I almost certainly can't afford to do it but oh! it would be amazing. Mulled Wine! And Craft!


  1. wonderful blog. your work is much too gorgeous!

  2. oooh christmassy craft! well done on getting an interview! how exciting. i also love looking at houses, i am going to look at that site right now!!

  3. ...and yes, lets bully people into biffblogging! i'm not sure everyone gets the point of it, does everyone think it's just for posting work? they just don't know the joy of blogging yet. sigh.
