Wednesday 30 July 2008


(photo from mischy eva)

We're off to Stockholm on Monday to fill up on nice design and furniture and green places and baked goods. I am very excited (not least because after Stockholm we're off to Paris! Yes!) but a bit lost as to where best to go. If anyone has any recommendations at all then they would be greatly appreciated.


  1. oh sweden! goodie. man. there's loads of stuff to do! since you're into graphic design i can recomend a shop called "papercuts" ( and around that same area you'll find other nice stores. the modern museum is also a great place you dont want to miss out. if you happen to be in the old part of the city there's a nice café called café mineur loacted in "stora nygatan", also café edenborg is nice on the same street. but the best cakes would be at "vetekatten" or "sturekatten". um, what else. great record shops are to be found in steriksplan, like "record hunter". and in the south there's "pet sounds". and for a cold bear if the weather is nice there's "mosebacke" och "lasse i parken". i'll get back with more info you'd like. anything specific?

  2. oh gosh! i wasnt expecting anyone to actually get back to me on that one! Thankyou so much. There's loads there! I'm definitely going to try and follow up as many of those as possible. Especially the parks (and the cake!) x
