Tuesday 25 November 2008


Just a quick post today (its turning into one of those busy weeks, in fact all of fourth year thus far has been far too busy) to say HELLO! If you're new to my silly blog now is a fine chance to say hello and if you've been monitoring my nonsense for a while..well..you should say hi too. From here on I'm hoping to be a bit more social on the blogging front and try and follow up comments and so on (not to mention stepping out from the shadows and commenting on the many many other blogs i read). So yeah...hi!


  1. Hi lizzy! its good to say hello!

  2. hello hello. i need to do a bit more of that blogging thing too, i've been terrible lately.

  3. hello there, found your blog recently - nice work lady...

  4. hi , i have been taking a peek at your lovely work for a wee while now- it is lovely and actually it helped me to decide to change from my textiles course at uni to illustration- i am half way thru my second year and changed a few weeks ago and i am so happy so i guess i am saying hello and THANK YOU x

  5. hello all of you! isn't this nice?

  6. nice handwriting !
    i'm also a new reader of your blog so i take the occasion to say hello from France - Salut :)
    good luck for your week !

  7. I suppose I should probably come clean and confess that I have been reading your blog for a good few months now!

  8. helloooo... reading your blog just leaves me with smiles all the time
