Thursday 27 November 2008

Yeah! Oh Yeah!

This is a little image I did as part of a self promotion project we're doing this week set by Jill Calder. Its been the most constructive week for a long while at college and I'm feeling excited about doing work and even about the prospect of graduating in summer, so hurrah. Go illustration.

I love this piece by Kate McGwire (via wrongdistance)

Thanks to all the people who said HELLO earlier this week. Its nice to know who's reading my nonsense. Oh and Alice I've been keeping an eye on your blog too!


  1. Wow! You have Jill Calder tutoring? I LURVE her work ...

    Nice russian onion house by the way :)

  2. we had jill calder tutor us for a project, she's a lovely person.

    gorgeous drawing, as always.

  3. ps. i saw this & thought of you:
