Friday 27 February 2009

Back on Track!

Lovely birthday treats from Tuesday. From top AMAZING chopstick holders by Lola Goldstein from Lama. Yes! Middle left cushion (made by my mum) in lovely fabric by Angie Lewin for St Judes. Middle right A TRIP TO KRAKOW (photo from flickr) on thursday! Argh. I am so excited. Jez is the best! And finally necklace from Urban Outfitters. Lovely stuff!

Love the colours in the Marc by Marc Jacobs Autumn 2009 collection. Niiice.

And finally here is the first page from the children's book I started while back. Its super simple (lots of white space!) but at the moment its going quite well. More soon I'm sure!

Nice post about artist Simon Evans on Black Eiffel.


  1. thank you for the great link to simon evans.

  2. I'm very jealous of those chopstick holders. How cool are they!

    I like the text on your children's book - it works well with the little girl!

  3. I love Nora... beautiful little person. So happy to have discovered your blog - lovely...

  4. i meant to say over a week ago, natural disasters is excellent! and thanks for the hungry ghosts print.. it's on my wall right now.

    enjoy krakow!

  5. The drawing looks very very nice! I\d love to see the whole book!

    The presents sound lovely and!

  6. Super simple is super good!

    Beautiful blog!
