Sunday 1 February 2009

Ella Minnow Pea

I have this plan to do a one day book cover project every sunday for as long as I can keep it up. Last week I did Jane Eyre (which wasn't so great to be honest) but this week I think I've been more succesful (though its not perfect, not by a long shot). I want to practice design and layout and also working efficiently and instinctively and this seems like a fun way of doing it as I also get to revisit some of my favourite books. Ella Minnow Pea is a lovely story by the way, if you haven't come across it I really recommend you track it down.


  1. this is a brilliant book, & your cover design is beautiful! the only part i feel doesn't work is the type on the back, i feel it'd be better if it was justified to the left, as the tail takes up a large portion of the right side. also, the synopsis text colour is hard to read, but i'm not sure how to fix it. perhaps make the fox smaller so the text doesn't go over the tail so much? i'm not sure why i'm giving my opinion when it's not a real project, but if the back text was more legible this would be perfect.

  2. I don't know this book, but love your cover :) Have a good week!

  3. so you have designed this fox cover.
    i love it absolutely..
    i think as foxes thr greatest animal eler.
    i really love your arts_
    xx krmfx

  4. goodness that is such a fab idea. I'm always meaning to do practice covers but put it off with the excuse its too time consuming and I am too busy and important (not true)...

    Plus this is a belter, LOVE the fox.

  5. What a wonderful idea, and I like your cover, too. I am keen, now, to read the book.

  6. This really grabs me! Just fabulous.

  7. Great cover!! I really like it :)
