Wednesday 11 February 2009

Help me!

This is my desk in the studio. It could probably do with a bit of a clean. My paint palette certainly could! I'm not entirely sure what the drawing is about either. I guess I was feeling flowery.

Its turning into one of those weeks where I just can't get anything done. Having been feeling pretty pleased with myself for finishing two of my major projects (yay!) I seem to have hit something of a slump. Oops. I've been rooting around in books and films and songs in a desperate attempt to find something that makes me really want to work but to no avail. I'm blaming February. February is worse than January I think. In January I usually feel I have to work mega hard to escape January blues but February all kind of slows down. Oh dear.

Any ideas? What do you do when you want to come up with ideas? What never fails to inspire you?


  1. I am trying to draw people at the moment and so in order to get started, as i am terrifed of drawing people, i draw them as lions. dx.

  2. Sorry, don't have much in the way of advice for that one...usually i find the best thing is just to start something,and usually a better idea will strike part of the way through, and you can abandon the first, slightly crap thing you were working on and get on with the new exciting idea. I like that flower-haired chap though, maybe you could create a story around that idea!?

  3. i sometimes just look through all of my photos... It sometimes helps to remind yourself of things you found interesting at some point. Or have a rest for a couple of days, do things you haven't done for a while like relax!! or clean or walk or go to somewhere outside edinburgh... Sometimes helps to get a bit of space from your pencils.

  4. Love this post:

  5. Sorry, try again:

  6. Plus, I find photos of people's studio inspiring... thank you:)

  7. When I have a block, I find it's helpful to draw with metallic pens on black paper. A blank white piece of paper is really so much more daunting than a piece of paper that is already covered in black.

    It's fun to paint black ink on paper and then use bleach to take away the highlights, too.

  8. i know one of those days. when it happens, i go out, walk around the city, go to parks(maybe not at this time of the year..) visit galleries... nothing extraordinary but it always inspires me to see some other artist's work and feel the energy from them. what never works is just stay in my room the whole day, force myself to work. i need to get out, see what's going on in the 'outside world'. it always gives me different perspectives and fresh mind!

