Monday 23 February 2009

Internet back on track! Hurrah!

There are a few new sketchbook photos on Flickr. I'm really enjoying keeping a sketchbook properly again. Since I was about 13 I've always had one on the go but in the past couple of years they ended up being more like notebooks than drawing books so I'm so glad that I've managed to rekindle my ability to draw mindlessly for no reason at all.

Tom Gauld is definitely one of the reasons I'm studying illustration. My flatmate and I went to the opening of his joint show with Simone Lia in Analogue back in my first year in Edinburgh and it was at that point that I finally decided to switch from my fine art course to illustration. Thank goodness. Tom has just added a load of his amazing illustrations for the Guardian's letters page to flickr and they're well worth a look.


Design Sponge's sneak peek into the beautiful home of Tonje Holand is wonderful!

ARGH! This is too much! I am in love.

Its my birthday tomorrow! I'm remarkably (and uncharacteristically) excited. Not least because its the first time in three years that Jez and I have been in the same country for it! At last!


  1. i love tom gauld's guardian illustrations, & i loved the tom/simone show at analogue. so long ago now!

    happy birthday for tomorrow! have an ace day.

  2. happy birthday! (belatedly)

    hurrah for internet, and for sketchbooks.

  3. a very belated happy birthday wish from me as well! (i can't remember if i have commented before and in case i haven't - hello lizzy : )). your sketch book drawings look great!

  4. Tom Gauld is top of the pops! Happy -belated- Birdy.

  5. loving your work. really nice illustrations
