Monday 9 February 2009

When You're Done Here You Get To Go Home

This image from Brandi Strickland's most recent series 'Dark Crystals' is too nice. See more at on her site or FOR REAL at the 'Dark Crystals' group show at the Mahan Gallery in Columbus, Ohio.

If I was going to do some (slightly expensive) Etsy shopping right now I might be tempted to buy this dress (or maybe this, or maybe something from the wonderful thrush!). Alas as money is tight in the months leading up to my degree show so I guess its not to be (who knew framing and printing was so bloody expensive..ok I knew but I didn't want to admit it).

P.S Lindsay Grime, a fellow eca fourth year, has just got her website done. And lovely it is too! Be sure to swing by and take a peek at her enchanting illustrations!

1 comment:

  1. Oh thanks for that Lizzy!, even though you are sitting opposite me and I've just thanked you in person anyway...ridiculous, n'est-ce pas?
