Saturday 16 May 2009

Degree Show! Done!

Sooo..the show is up! At last! Marking and so on happens very soon and it opens to the public on June 13th and runs till the 23rd. If you're in Scotland, NAY if you're in the UK, I strongly suggest you find your way to Edinburgh to check it out because it's really good. Everyone's stuff is wonderful..seriously...there's not a duff one in the bunch! In the run up to the show I'm going to do a post on all my classmates' work so you can see what a talented bunch I shared my studio with.

P.S Thanks for the kind words on my new site everyone. There's a bit more work to be added very soon so be sure to check back later.


  1. are you in another space this year? it looks completely different.

  2. nope. same studio just a totally different system. all the desks and things have been taken out and (cardboard) partition walls put in so that we have flat space to show on. It's a much better way of displaying things i think but i do worry about the cardboard holding up for a month and half! eek!

  3. wow, it looks really different, i like it. think a lot of the dundee show is mounted on questionable wall-esque stuff too, as it's not in the college this year. i'll cross my fingers for you regarding the cardboard!
