Sunday 5 July 2009

the Wanderer Returns

Its been a busybusy past couple of months that has seen me spend 22 hours travelling in the last week but at last its time to get this blog going again properly. Hello to all the new followers who have appeared in recent weeks. Nice to see you!

First off if you head over to my site you will notice its been revamped yet again. The old menu wasn't really working properly and now I have a nice new display courtesy of cargo collective
which is hopefully easier to navigate. Hopefully I'll be able to get some new work up soon!

NEXT is the countdown to the second volume of friction (this book that we put out last year). This is crazy exciting and far bigger than last years effort. Join our mailing list and keep track of happenings.

ALSO! I contributed to a zine put together by the mighty Jake Blanchard (as Tor Press). Its based around the letter A and features a tonne of totally awesome folk. Get a copy here!

FINALLY! Actually thats it. No more news. Head to my flickr to see some pretty boring pictures of my travels in London and graduation nonsense.

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