Tuesday 25 August 2009

Catch Up/Sum Up

(I am seriously never going to tire of our new view)

Oops. Totally neglected this blog recently. It has literally been the craziest month ever. What with going back and forth to London, moving house, Edinburgh Festival, having friends to stay, impromptu lodgers, my sister visiting and trying to do work I've barely had time to pause for breathe! Hopefully things are finally back to some semblance of normality now and I can get on with things a slightly more leisurely pace!

First up a new (ish) project that I've been working on with my very good friend (and lexicography magician) Jane Solomon. I met Jane when she studied in Edinburgh back when I was a first year (she has no returned to Chicago. Boo) and we've stewed on various projects since then (the ill-fated period drama review blog, kid's books etc) but finally got going on one we both enjoy. Sum-Up Stories is a blog in which Jane writes rather charming flash fiction and I try and come up with an illustration to go with it. We've done a few (and there are some i'm yet to illustrate) so far and you can see them here. The goal is to do things quickly and instinctively and to try not to lose interest! Hooray for that.

Second head over to the awesome
FormFiftyFive to see the banner I drew to celebrate their 3000th post (thus the MMM not FFF)

I think thats it for now. See you soon!

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