Monday 10 August 2009


We moved house this morning. At 8.30am. From a third floor flat to a fourth floor flat. I am shattered. Moving all of our stuff would have been challenge enough but the 19 boxes of Friction books really tipped it over the edge. Anyway just wanted to say that due to to being in a new place in amongst a thousand boxes, it being the Edinburgh Festival and thus everywhere being swamped and hectic AND having no internet connection blogging will be suspended for the next week. After that I'll be back and on top form I hope. Hello to all the people who've started following my blog recently. There are 131 of you know and thats amazing. Slightly bewildering by amazing nonetheless.


  1. I am sending good unpacking vibes your way, you sound exhausted!

  2. all the best with the unpacking. i am one of the many followers of your blog and would like to say that i think you work is amazing. i rarely leave comments to say as such as i am not very good at writing words. dx.

  3. Hi Lizzie,

    I thought you might like to see the email that I just got from Texprint:

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    Re: Texprint
    Wednesday, 12 August, 2009 12:17 PM
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    Texprint is a not-for-profit organisation sponsored by industry and established 40 years ago, that selects the creative talent in textile design graduating from UK colleges each year, nominated as the best by their tutors (no graduate can put themselves forward). Of the 220 put forward, 24 are finally chosen through a rigorous selection process of interviews with panels of industry experts. These 24 are given an exhibition in London then Paris at Indigo, part of the prestigious Premiere Vision textile show. In addition there are 6 special prizes for Colour, Print, Weave, Knit, Interior Fashion and Breaking New Ground, each sponsored by a company, which includes exhibiting at a show in Hong Kong. All of the young designers are mentored and given a Need to Know pack detailing all aspects of professional conduct, and a talk by a copyright lawyer. This is the first year that something involving copyright has occurred, which is of enormous concern to us.

    We learnt last week that the winner of the Colour Prize has created her designs by copying the work of other designers. The first we knew of it was a steady flow of emails from America and the UK alleging that the work that she submitted for our 2009 prize competition has plagiarized the work of other designers. In particular, Lauren Nassef sent us a detailed email in which she placed her work alongside the winner - the conclusion that the work had been copied was simply unavoidable, and there have been o ther designers including Lizzy Stewart and Jez Burrows who have also shown evidence that their work had been copied.

    Texprint’s raison d’etre is to encourage creativity and original design. We were naturally very shocked and disappointed by the designer's actions which left us with no alternative but to withdraw the prize that she was awarded and the opportunity to exhibit in Paris and Hong Kong. Her work has been removed from the Texprint website, and another designer, Lisa Stannard (whose work was originally very nearly chosen by the Colour Prize judge, Barbara Horspool, Creative Director of New Look) has been given the prize.

    I know that it doen't help that your work was used in such a way. But I thought you would like to know that they took the work down.

    Best wishes

