Wednesday 9 September 2009

I did a quick drawing today whilst watching a slightly mediocre BBC drama called Land Girls. The show might be a bit dull but the high waisted trousers, pin curls and head scarves are not! Hurrah! If I had a better knowledge of WWII I'd love to write a kid's story about the Land Army Girls. Maybe I should do some researchin'.

Another What I Wore Today drawing. Today I was feeling girly and summery (its september! Edinburgh is a bit slow on the sunshine uptake!).

We're off to Salisbury tomorrow in preparation for End of the Road festival this weekend. Very excited (especially as the weather looks like it might hold out and stay warm and sunny) and looking forward to seeing bands like Shearwater, David Thomas Broughton, Alela Diane, Okkervil River, Blitzen Trapper, Neko Case, Magnolia Electric Co., The Dodos and a fair few more. Camping! Trees! The SOUTH! Yeah!
(I might be a little over excited about getting out of Scotland for a bit!)


  1. hey i'm maddy and i like this a lot. and i like your art too! it's very cute :)

  2. Ooooo...hope you have a fun weekend Lizzy. Alela Diane! Neko Case!

  3. Hope you are having a nice weekend. I have a message for you here:


  4. Hello Lizzie!
    I think your drawings are LOVELY and I enjoy your blog very much :)

  5. Terribly cute pictures, your pictures are quite delightful, I'd love to be an illustrator...(not that I'm particularly good)
