Thursday 22 October 2009

I'm doing an exhibition at Leeds College of Art next March (ages away I know) and this is the very first drawing I've done for it. Will post more along the way I'm sure.

Don't forget to come by Marche Marche this saturday if you're in Edinburgh. I have a tonne of new stuff on sale, it's going to be ace!

AND if you're in London next weekend you MUST pay a visit to Field Work at 65 Hanbury St (off Brick Lane), a lovely pop up shop featuring work by inumerable talented types. I'll be at the opening on Thursday 28th...if you can make it come and say hi!


  1. Good timing, the Leeds Art book fair is March - 12th and 13th I think. At the uni.

  2. Great! that's my university! I cant wait to see the rest of your work for it and i will definitely be going to the exhibition!

  3. ah, your work and blog are both always continuous sources of inspiration. i asked you a few questions about the ECA way back when...well, i thought that you might be interested in the fact that i am certainly applying there for next fall!

    thank you x five million.
