Monday 18 January 2010

Aargh! I'm going to Bristol at a crazy hour of the morning tomorrow to start setting up for the show at Here. I'm very excited to get some of the new work I've been sitting on for the past two months out in the open. I've gotten so used to blogging new drawings that its been weird keeping new stuff under wraps! Anyway photos shall come thick and fast once the show is up. If you're in Bristol (or indeed if you have means by which to get to Bristol) then please do go and have a look! 21st Jan-27th Feb, Here Gallery, 108 Stokes Croft. If you're able to come to the private view its Thursday 7pm-9pm, say hello!


  1. Good luck dear, hope the hanging goes well, look forward to seeing the photos!

  2. wish I could! I love the here gallery! have fun in bristol if your hanging around there for a few days this looks fun and it's on this weekend

    good luck with the show!

  3. Good luck with the show - wish I could see it!
