Thursday 6 May 2010

Back again!

Hello gang! I'm back. After an unintentional hiatus in which i went south to Brighton (lunch with collage queen Seiko Kato) then to London to see Jez and his Evening Tweed cohorts steal the show at Pick Me Up. If you were lucky enough to see the massive show at Somerset House you will have seen Evening Tweed's wonderful hunting lodge style room (above) filled with tasty prints and comfy chairs. Oh and this fella...

Then I came back here to get on with work for an impending project with
Verity. The results of which you'll see on Monday I hope! Only hours after my return my laptop cable gave up on life and rendered me computerless for 5 days while I waited for a new one! Alas alack etc. Anyway I'm back in the digital work now and hopefully I'll manage a slightly more regular blogging schedule once again. New work on its way but in the meantime I posted all of the images from my Dead Landscapes zine on my website.

If you're in Edinburgh next weekend I'll have stuff for sale at the
Made In The Shade Springtime Jamboree at the Roxy on Saturday. I'll have a joint stall with the unstoppable Lindsay Grime. Alas I wont be at the fair (i'll be at
ATP in Minehead) but Verity has stepped up to the mark and will be holding the fort for me. She'll be bringing a few of her lovely prints too! Phew...that was a long one. As you were.

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