Tuesday 29 June 2010

Foxes & Flowers

Another sketchbook spread for y'all. Want to see the animals closer? Its over on flickr.

Added these wee gocco folky flower cards to my etsy yesterday, four cards for $6 and they double up as nice mini prints!

Absolutely adore these beautiful ceramics by Molly Hatch. I couldn't decide which one was my favourite so I stuck them all up here. I'm itching to play with some ceramic painting at some point in the future.


  1. Ooo I want a set of those cups! I don't even think I could decide which to get either.


  2. they're so beautiful. shame their $120 a pop! and probably all sold out. sadface.

  3. I adore those ceramic cups. Though I have to agree with Lizzy above, they are a bit too expensive for ceramic - I have terrible lucky with tea cups, and always break them, so I don't want to spurge on one...

  4. very nice sets of cups. :)
    You have wonderful style on your illustration.

    Chanel give away at loadingdarling.blogspot.com
