Monday 12 July 2010


I did my first editorial for the New York Times at the end of last week. Its just a wee one in the letters section but in case you're interested you can see it here.

For those of you lucky enough to be in the fine city of Edinburgh on 24th July then be sure to pop by the Roxy Art House for the Made in the Shade Summertime Hop! This is the second Made In The Shade event in Edinburgh and I'll be running a stall with Ms Keniger selling all manner of treats. Its going to be a great day so I thoroughly recommend you come along if you can.


  1. O my goodness, congratulations on the editorial! How wonderfully exciting

  2. looks great Lizzy, go girl

    wish i could be in edinburgh for this. would definitely stop by to say hello to you and Verity :( have fun!

  3. I just discover your blog and your work and i'm enchanted. Congratulations for this edito, it's great (well i haven't read it but i'm sure it is!). I really want to buy you some drawings on your etsy...
    have a nice day

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Congrats on the editorial! I really like your blog.
