Wednesday 27 March 2013

Four Days in Iceland

 Last week I spent four days in Iceland, mostly in Reykjavik, with three of my closest friends. Somewhat predictably I fell totally in love with the place (Mountains! Ice! Multi Coloured Houses!)
and am now having a proper sulk about being back in London. 

  I did a fair bit of drawing whilst I was there and the drawings are now crammed into a zine which you can pre-order here (it'll ship next week once its back from the printer.). Pre-orders come with a postcard print of this drawing from a couple of years back. 


  1. How wonderful. II am going to ore order now. I have always dreamed of going to Iceland. Your photos and illustrations have inspired me today.

  2. Hi Lizzy,

    i've just received a package with some of your postcards and zines, and they are all so fantastic, that i think i will have no choice but to order this one too ;)

    but may i ask - where do you print your zines (or those bigger postcards)?


  3. These are wonderful! I'm currently in the process of a project on Scandinavian Folk Art so these are so inspiring! I've ordered the zine and can't wait for it to come :) xo

  4. I really loved Iceland when i visited, it's so pretty. I need to go back!

  5. Just found you through Pinterest. Love your drawings and you have the cutest name ever :)
