Sunday 2 June 2013


island from Lizzy Stewart on Vimeo.

I recently started trying to suss out animation. Above is a short film I made one day last week as a bit of an experiment. Its still a new thing to me and this is totally jumpy and beginner-y but its a fun thing to mess around with and I'm really intrigued by the storytelling potential. So hopefully a bit more of this in future!


  1. oh goodness...loved this. You are so talented girl! I'm a new follower via bloglovin :)
    Jana @ 333 Days of Hand Lettering

  2. I enjoyed this video (and the other--fossil). At a few points I had trouble hearing the words. Not sure if it's a volume issue on your end, (or the fan blowing in my kitchen) but I would have enjoyed some hand-written text as well. Hope you keep going.

  3. Lizzy, it's wonderful... in fact, I must go back and view it again, multiple times.

    Keep going, make more, it's lovely...

  4. I have been a great admirer for years now, and so maybe now is a good time to say that I love it all, including this! Thank you for sharing so much beauty :) x

  5. absolutely wonderful , so delicate , and beautiful work !
