Wednesday 11 November 2009

Giveaway Time!

To celebrate...uh...nothing in particular I'm going to do a little giveaway! Leave a comment on this post by Saturday 14th Nov at 6pm GMT and you might win a prize bundle that includes a house hat bear print, a copy of 'We Are The Friction' a tote bag, some greetings cards, some badges (not yet released...sssh!) a zine or two and whatever else I can find. All you need to do is leave a comment on this very post (not on any subsequent ones) and I'll select one at random on Saturday night to win! Easy. Go go go!


BigEyes World said...

I really love your house hat bear!
Great work!! :)

Nobody said...

I would be happy to own any of these pieces :]

hmstrjam said...

love the bear and his house!

Joe Hinder said...

love your work!

Rebecca Henderson said...

YES YES YES! Luck be a lady, or a man, or a man lady, whatever it takes to get these into my hands!

louillustrator said...

Ooooh the bear is my fav, but any of these things would be lovely. Don't receive much post these lonely days :) x

zoetropa said...

great giveaway! The bear is great and would love a copy of the magazine.

Uncommon Objects Blog said...

I just can't resist Lizzy! Your new items are just fantastic and that tote bag kills me.

brookewoolley said...

How exciting! I will try my luck!

Anonymous said...

The house hat bear! It totally rules, very jealous. I want to see more animal-object combinations.

Leo said...

Beautiful work. Would love to see it in a book with a furry cover. :)

Lauren said...

free goodies! Yes please.

carolyn alexander said...

good grief! This is the giveaway to end all giveaways! That tote looks lovely.

Nightjar Books said...

I love all of these! such amazing work.

kerri said...

it is celebrating you being lovely and making magical things, no? x

Feeling Fuzzy? said...

Gosh, I just came upon your blog this morning, and between bites of Vegimite on toast I wondered what I could write to say how much I like your work...

so here it goes....

I like your work A LOT!


Sam Caldwell said...

lucky dip, lucky dip!

Anonymous said...

ooh I'd love to win!!

Jen Collins said...

i can't resist this splendid lot! count me in.

whatwouldpeterdo said...

crossed fingers, crossed toes. Please count me as in.

littlechrissy said...

House hat bear is Rocking. My. World.

Anonymous said...

That bear print is great!

Allyson Gee said...

your illustrations are very inspiring and make me smile :) cant wait to see more from you.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog... talk about serendipity! :-)

Jane said...

I love getting mail from the UK. By the way, I have five of your prints on my wall right now (in frames even! HOW fancy!).

maddy said...

oh how lovely, fingers crossed! :) i have a give-away too at the moment, if you'd like to enter have a look on my blog :)
they are so fun :)

gerrycan said...

Splendiferous! Would love to poke my nose into those zines. That bear with the house on its head reminds me of me most days x

asphalt and air said...

what a nice thing to do!
i love your work and would be overjoyed to get this fantabulous bundle of goodies!
count me in!

Anonymous said...

such beautiful works ... fingers crossed!

d e b b i e said...

wow! how delightful.
That bear is a particular gem!

Red Boots said...

My fingers, toes and eyes are crossed that I win! That bear is all kinds of yum!

littlemithi said...

Oh Oh oH oH!!! ... Would LUUUUUURVE a copy of we are the friction - how exciting!

Yay for giveaways!

marie said...

oh I would really like all of this!

Philiy said...

Love love love your work. x

Helen said...

I like to think that the someone has built their dream home on top of that bear and is now living there quite comfortably.
Love it! x

Unknown said...

Bravo lady Stewart.... Bravo!.....

giulia sagramola said...

wow! this is the biggest beautiful giveaway ever! I'm here!!! :)

Karin Söderquist said...

Amazing give-away! I think 39 will be my lucky number!

jothompson said...

yes please, fabulous as ever,
jo xx

Anne said...

oh, please! i really like your work!



Fee ist mein Name said...

Oh yes, me me me :-)! Just found our blog via flickr! Love the bear...

stephyds said...

beautiful work.
nuff said!

Susan Mitchell said...

Giveaways are such fun and your work is lovely :)

Anke Weckmann said...

Oh my! It's all so wonderful

Unknown said...

absolutely stunning illustration.

naa said...

oh! That's so sweet of you! I'd love to win this one!! :)
I hold my fingers crossed!
Have a nice day!

Thomas White said...


Irina Troitskaya said...

i'd love to win a piece made by you!

Michael Mccraw said...

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Kaylovesvintage said...

cool prize to win

kate said...

So many wonderful things!

Nick Cocozza said...

loving the work.That bear print is ace

Saga said...

oh wow, i cross my fingers really really hard!

Sathya said...

great idea and great work!!

sösdöasdöaäsd said...

wow thats very kind from you. so many nice things!

Anonymous said...

i want to wiiin

Anonymous said...


crawfordjoshua said...

I suspect my voice may get lost in this vast chorus of covetousness, but my! how I do covet these fine objets d'art!

danielle said...

One day a man left the house an hour earlier than he usually would. He wasn't really sure why. But anyway, because he left early, he was the first to find a hat lying in the street. He felt sorry for it and he put it on the railings by the pavement so that it wouldn't get wet. Maybe someone came back later to pick it up. I'm not sure. But it's not there anymore. So maybe.

Unknown said...

What a nice thing to do! I'd love a copy of "We are the Friction", so count me in.

Also, if you e-mail me your address, I'll do what I promised before and send you a gocco print as a thank you for getting my wee empire off the ground.

Hideous sucking-up in order to improve my chances? You bet. It's a dog eat dog world.

Erin Dollar said...

ooooooh! i'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next few days to help my chances :)

marmalady said...

i think i could give the bear an excellent home :) x

sfer said...

Any fingers left uncrossed? ;-)
Thanks for the super-fornoreason-giveaway! I love them ^^

Emily said...

It's a very lucky person indeed who wins these wonderful works!

Thanks for the offering the chance.

Anonymous said...

My wall with some beautiful framed artworks is looking for a bear with a house on his head...

Megan said...

You have such beautiful work! Wow, very exciting give away!

Anonymous said...

My heart will explode with happiness if you pick me.

●• Thereza said...

your work is so lovely!
i'd love to enter your giveaway :)

perasymanzanas said...


that bear is my love

Digital Misfit said...

The bear print is incredible! I love your art and would be thrilled to display it in my home.

Anonymous said...

Ok - crossing my fingers, crossing my finger, crossing my fingers, crossing my fingers, fossing my cringers...!!

Grace Hsu said...

i have a loving bear holding me tight every night to sleep :)

bye h8r said...
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yu yasutake said...

another one? hope i win this!

Mélissa Castrillón said...

This is amazing.
in these poor and struggling times its lights up my face that such amwesome acts as these are happening.
Your work makes me very happy. keep it going kid!

Lol said...

Oh so desperately would love that bundle to be mine! Adore your work x

Unknown said...

Pick me! Pick me!

juliankimmings said...

sounds like a grand idea to me! sign me up!

Unknown said...

You make nice things.

Stephen said...

Your work is so great! I've been wanting to pick up We Are the Friction for awhile now too.

Anonymous said...

Great work! I love your style.

Sophie Green said...

136 pages AND a muffin! Wonderful work and a great competition idea Ms Lizzy x

Unknown said...

house hat house hat house hat house hat oh my gosh I would love to win that WOW so well done.. all of them are great!

John said...

I like to imagine the people who live in the house on the bears head, farming his fur to build baskets for their home and collecting his tears to bathe in. They have to be careful near the mouth though.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Great prizes Thanks so much for this giveaway

Unknown said...

Official Giveaway Entry #89!

cole007 said...

ooooo, lots of yummy prizes that my life would be incomplete without

and i'm local too so that would save on postage :D

and if that pleading fails there is always the cute panda tactic

Unknown said...

The very best reason to do something... just to do it! :)

gromain said...

pick me ! pick me ! pick me ! pick me ! pick me ! pick me ! pick me !

jChase said...


Robin said...

i love the prints i got this week!

Unknown said...

hello! I would like your lovely prizes please. I'm a poor art student who can't afford nice things.

Oh yes- I'm shamelessly playing the poor student card for your sympathy. It's like xfactor.

Angela Keoghan said...

What a treat! love your work! :)

Yellbroad said...

All your works are amazing! your a great artist :)


Alison said...

What a lovely thing to do! We Are The Friction was fantastic- I borrowed it from the v nice YCN lending library on Rivington Street... Thanks for keeping such a wonderful blog :)

Amy said...

you are an inspiration Ü

Amy said...
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Anna Bartlett said...

Please count me in. I love following your blog.

JuneJ said...

oh la la! very lovely.

Ashlee said...

Think I'm too late, but what a fantastic giveaway - someone's going to be very lucky!!

Kristyna litten said...

the ladies zine is really cool, lovely drawings

Aurora said...

I love your creations!

Mia said...

so many comments! your work is really lovely <3

Ez said...

Your work is always so wonderful! I think I have everything in your etsy shop favorited. (blushes). I hope I win, but even if I'm not so lucky, I just wanted to say thanks for all the inspiration. Keep doing what you're doing.