Monday 13 October 2008

Giant Bear in a Tiny Town

This was done at the end of the summer for something that sadly never got off the ground. I have plans for it though. This is officially the last bear drawing that I do for a long while. Honest.

Speaking of which if anyone would like a copy of 'Natural Distasters' for £3 + £1 P&P let me know. I completely forgot about getting them all finished off until now. So yeah. Let. Me. Know.

p.s Ritva (who takes some lovely photos) tagged me to come up with six random facts. So...

Really really would like a Katamari cake please
About Today is named after a song by The National
Not a fan of molluscs
DJ occasionally (at poorly attended indie nights)
Oh no. I drew another bear (thats not really a fact is it?)
My new favourite place is Stockholm.

(also I tag whoever feels like doing it)


  1. draw more bears! everyone should draw more bears! i've been drawing them for an image based on the band seabear, just because i think a seabear would be awesome.

  2. oh my gosh! a seabear! yes. you mustmustmust draw that. (seabear are awesome too!)

  3. howdy, i like your illustration and bears and yes. my german friend told me about your work.

    fo sho.

    steven fry jr.

  4. i want a copy! if you still have some left!

    i loved the i am friction book. very much.

  5. hey i didnt see your comment. send me an email at and i'll set it up so that you can buy a copy!
