Sunday, 31 July 2011

The sea, the sea

My sister and I had an amazing time camping in Cornwall a week ago.  We even managed to find some sunshine! I felt all rejuvenated after a couple of days by the sea (there's nothing like plunging your feet into fresh, clear water to jolt you back into being) and grateful to have had even the tiniest of summer holidays (even if the mist did set in on our last evening).

(this is my sister, Jess)

Thursday, 28 July 2011

On the horizon.....

Time for some news of the rather big variety! I've been sitting on this for a while but its time to share that, come September, I'll no longer be an Edinburgh resident. Eeek! I'm moving to London town to do a Masters course at Central St Martins which means that, after six wonderful years, I'll be saying goodbye to my beloved Auld Reekie (for the time being). Its not a decision I've come to lightly, I love Edinburgh and have made some wonderful friends here who I'll miss very much but after six years it seems like time for a change (I'm only twenty-four after all!). I'm really excited about the prospect of studying again and looking forward to spending a couple of years experimenting with my work and seeing where it takes me. I have grand plans! I'll still be doing commissioned work at the same time and keeping the shop going too, so hopefully this blog won't suffer too much.

 (I'm aware that London doesn't really look like this anymore but its such a great photo!)

Over the next month I'll be clearing out my stuff, hopefully getting rid of lots of the things that have accumulated during my time here and getting my act together. Its also the Edinburgh Festival so I'll be making the most of that too- out with a bang and all that! In September my Etsy shop will close for a month so if you have orders that need making now is the time! During August I'm going to try and post some of my favourite things about Edinburgh, a blog based love letter to my favourite city, if you will!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011


I'm off home to Plymouth for a few days as of tomorrow. I'm hoping that the weather manages a degree of goodness and my sister and I can head out for an adventure! At the very least I'm looking forward to books on the train and catching up with the family. In the meantime....

Jez did a great wee map of nice green spaces in London for lovely map makers  Herb Lester. You can get one in his shop.

If etsy could cough up a gift for me this week I'd like it to be this super simple necklace from Elephantine

I'll be back next week with big news to share!

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Something or Nothing

I'm currently trying to get my head around a project I dreamt up a couple of years ago (do you have those? the things that sit on your list that you really want to do but want to get 'right' so badly that they get shelved? I have loads). Its maybe complicated but maybe not complicated at all. I can't decide. Anyway this is an image for that. Or, at least, it would have been. I was happy with it for a day and now I've decided its totally wrong. This is the prerogative of the fickle artist i'm afraid! Anyway I thought I should share something as there's been a bit of a radio silence around here work-wise!

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Advice To Sink In Slowly

You can now get my 'Find some place..' poster as an A2 litho print from Advice to Sink in Slowly. The poster will hopefully raise some money to go towards distributing advice posters to university students across the uk. 

You can also get a t-shirt version of the poster from Howies who are kindly sponsoring the Advice To Sink in Slowly project- Womens / Mens

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Reverence Library

Hooray! FINALLY we've launched the third Sing Statistics publication. Its been a long time coming (as contributors will attest), held up by printing setbacks, format overhauls and monetary freak-outs, but at last I can say that Reverence Library is ON SALE NOW! The book features nine writers and nine illustrators dealing with three non-fiction subjects (in this volume- Nikola Tesla, Galleons & the Trans-Siberian Railway) in any way they see fit- mostly by making stuff up about them. You might learn somethings, but likely not. Mostly you'll read some great writing and enjoy some fun illustrations (including some of um..mine- to make up the numbers- i'll share those images soon).
   The book is £10 and ships all over. Limited to 1000 copies so pick one up fast!

(I'm very pleased to say that the book features three of my favourite british illustrators- William Goldsmith, Luke Pearson and Richard Sanderson.)